
Life Lately

This little blog space has been a bit quiet lately, mainly because life around our place hasn't been. We've been quite pre-occupied with cleaning, sorting, trying to get our ducks in a row, unsuccessfully coordinating social dates, creating and planning fun projects, and tying up as many loose ends as possible. In addition, Kevin has had some big work meetings, but thankfully my mom came down for a helpful weeklong visit. Don't be fooled though, we haven't been too busy to enjoy this amazing spring like weather that the region has blessed with lately. Though we could all do without these nasty allergies that has accompanied the heat...they're taking their toll on all of us!

In the meantime, here's a little of what's going on in Augie's world...
towers and tunnels. all day everyday.
Momo was initiated into the tower building club
old nanny Stephanie dropped by for some play time
breakfasts with Papa
learning to nap outside of our bed
allergies are no fun.
shorts in January

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