
Christmas #3

Our third and final installment of the Christmas holiday took place with my family up in Granbury. We drove up to my parents house Christmas Eve day, and were met by my sister and her family later that evening. August was able to get a lot of play time in with his cousins, Kevin pitched in to make some pies, and we were all able to hang out, open our Christmas Eve pajamas, and watch a few classic Christmas movies before the hoopla of the big day.
Santa finally made his much anticipated arrival in the wee hours of Christmas morning. He brought August his teddy bear and a fun pop up teepee, Emeri the jump rope that she asked for along with a bag full of other goodies, Noah got some Beats headphones, and baby Milo received a fun little playhouse. While August appreciated his gifts, he quickly took sole ownership of Milo's house. Thankfully Milo wasn't interested in hanging out for too long, because Augusts inability to share didn't make for a pretty sight.
My brother's family wasn't able to make the short drive from Dallas, so we went on with our morning gift exchange with just the ten of us. The adults of the family decided to simplify our gift exchange this year by giving primarily homemade, or super personalized small gifts for one another. It was so fun and thoughtful, I really look forward to recreating it again next year.

He adores his big cousin Emeri. They're inseparable!

Again this year, August was a bit overwhelmed by all of the commotion surrounding the gift opening process. He preferred to slowly open his first gift and just go play. As a mom, I can't say that bothers me too much. I can hope that he never builds too high of an expectation, becomes ungrateful, or forgets that Christmas is about love, family, blessings, and the eternal gift we've all been bestowed. At that point it may be time to make some changes and refocus. 

some of the homemade/semi-homemade gifts we contributed:
for the moms of the little ones in the family
fairy gardens and art supplies

for the man who already has absolutely everything

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