

I recently happened upon an Australian blogger who has created a fun photo challenge for herself. Last year she decided to take one portrait a week of her children, and post them to her blog. At the end of the year, she would have 52 photos that document the adventures and the changes of the past year. Not being one to shy away from pictures of my offspring, I've decided it would be fun to join in the movement.
My brother recently acquired the same fabulous portrait lense for his camera that I have, so I thought it would be fun to enter him into the challenge. He's not one for much blogging, but is still up for the challenge, so we have a friendly little portrait showcase going on between each other. Though he has upped the ante, and has given himself the task of taking portraits of a different person each week! I don't have that much human interaction in a year, so I will be sticking to kids and dogs...
Anyway, without further adieu, here is my first submission for the year.

August in his natural element.

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