

August: beautiful blue eyes
Otis: water lover


4 Months!

Four months and thriving! 
Weighed in at the 20th%, measured 50th% in height, and his head is still quite large...just like his Papa and Augie.


Father's Day Weekend

We're so lucky 

We spent Father's Day weekend up at my parents house in North Texas. We hadn't been back up that way since Christmas, and we had a few people that needed to be celebrated. My niece Emeri had her annual dance recital, both my brother and my dad were celebrating birthdays, and of course there was Father's Day as well. There was a lot of driving from destination to destination on Saturday, but thankfully Sunday was a day for relaxing. My parents watched Otis while Kevin and I took August to the clubhouse for some playground and swimming fun. 

Finally before we hit the road for our drive back down to Austin, we needed to properly celebrate my dad's birthday. Our miniature party bag I prepared accidentally ended up with my sister's belongings, so we improvised with a #2 candle and a sequenced Santa hat. The resident three year old was quite pleased.

LOVED the diving board



August: first popsicle of the season
Otis: just lounging


Sea World

My sister and her two youngest kids recently came to town so that we could all drive down to Sea World for the day. It's only a little over and hour drive from us, so after an excited night's rest, the six of us loaded up and made the short trip down to the amusement park. We couldn't have picked a better day! There were minimal crowds, no long lines to wait in, it was hot but not unbearable, and we couldn't have asked for four better behaved kids. We saw all the shows, the two big kids were able to enjoy a few rides together, her kids loved on some costumed characters, and of course partook in the best thing the park has to offer...soft frozen lemonade. It truly was a great day! We bought fun passes, and are already planning our return trip later this summer. 

"bye, bye Sea World"



August: introduction to Sea World's soft frozen lemonade
Otis: has always preferred to have his head covered



August: practicing life skills
Otis: giggles