
Easter Weekend

On Saturday we drove down to southeast Texas to participate in Kevin's extended family's annual Easter celebration. In typical family fashion, there is always a massive spread of delicious food prepared in the chance that a hungry army stops by to join us. This year we were able to contribute to the sweets section with a batch of chocolate covered peeps, and two of Kevin's now famous lemon chess pies. 
August made up for his lack of Easter activity involvement last year, by hugging all of his relatives, showing off his walking abilities, trying to keep up with the big kids, and of course hunting for easter eggs this time around. While he and fellow hunter, Aubrey, humored us for photo opps, we're not sure they quite understand what all of the fuss is about. 
And while we had originally planned to stay with Kevin's cousins, we decided to make the late night trek back home so that we could get a head start on preparing for the busy week ahead. Luckily for August, the Easter Bunny made note of the location change just in time to leave his basket-full of goodies. While he still doesn't know that there will be loads of candy in the years to come, he was more than happy to play with his new toys.
It was a wonderful weekend, and we're so thankful that we were all able to get a bit of recovery down-time in before we head into the busy week tomorrow.


Happy Easter

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. 
1 Peter 1:3-4


An Afternoon Nap with Daddy

Yet another reason why we love the weekends so

Best Buddies

August loves Lilly...too much. Poor Lilly dog can't catch a break from our little guy's constant love. Wherever she is, August is sure to follow. His newest form of 'entertainment' is to try to chase her down and corner her with his little walker wagon. He has also designated her as his personal pillow pet, and when he finds her snoozing, he can't resist the urge to snuggle up against her. I can see from the look in her eye that she's being smothered, but being the good faithful protector that she is, she just sighs and allows her personal space to be invaded.

I never would have predicted that these two would be so close. I figured Daphne, being the young, playful, attention loving canine would be a better suited playmate. But from day one, Lilly has been by August's side. Whenever someone would hold newborn Augie, you could guarantee that Lilly would be nudged right next to them, overseeing the whole affair. Maybe having a baby in the house, has been a little stressful on our furry, unconditional lover. Over this past year, our 10+ year old Lilly has lost her hearing, and has more recently been experiencing some Liver and Kidney issues. It makes me too sad to think that these special cuddles may not see August through all of the hard-times that come with growing up. But for now I will just continue to observe this special bond from a distance, with a warm smile in my heart... no matter how loud Lilly groans.


A Boy Meets Dorothy

When we came in from the park this past weekend, we noticed that the Wizard of Oz was just starting. As soon as Judy Garland started serenading 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow', August was utterly mesmerized. 

Another Weekend Play

It was another gorgeous, although quite hot, weekend here in Austin so we decided to load up the stroller and head down to the great lawn out at Zilker. The dogs love being able to stretch their legs and show off their ball-chasing speed. As for August, his walking confidence grows by leaps and bounds with every lap he takes with his out on the vast green lawn with his little wagon. This time he actually let loose and began running so much so that his little feet couldn't even keep up at times! It did the trick as he's now walking like a professional.

Embrace the Camera

Family plays out at the big Zilker lawn are some of my favorite times.


Embrace the Camera

I love that he still likes to be held or at least have a hand on you when it's bottle time.