
Week 20

The World Cup kicked off last week, so we've enjoyed catching as many games as possible while still being productive. August and I even managed to make it to a local pub to watch the Germany vs Ghana game with some friends. I couldn't have asked for a more perfectly behaved baby, and think we may try doing that more often!

This week was full of all kinds of new accomplishments. First of all August started really laughing, like an extended chuckle followed by a cute, raspy little gasp at the end. He also gives a courtesy giggle every once in a while that just makes me laugh harder because he keeps a smirk on his face like he's just laughing out of obligation as he really isn't all that amused with you.

He also moved out of his moses basket, and into his crib in his own room. I think that was more of a difficult transition for us than for him. So far he's been managing just fine and has two furry nurse maids that take turns watching over him at night.

The biggest advancement of the week is that he started eating food! While his pediatrician has always encouraged us to wait until 6 months, when I told him that we were now waking up every 3-4 hours at night to eat, he decided it was a good time to try some solids. We started with rice cereal which was less than impressive, but once we mixed it with pears, August's sweet tooth kicked in and peaked his interest. It took him about 3 messy attempts to figure out how to get the whole system to work together, but as of tonight he's definitely enjoying the experience. As for longer sleep patterns, I'll keep you posted...

liquid courage

clean, fat, and happy


New Playmate

There's yet another giraffe in the house. This particular one comes in the form of a super soft blankie. August is always wrapping himself up and around blankets, clothes, towels, anything he could find, so I had a feeling he would love to have a small blankie all his own. Sure enough they've already formed quite the bond.

Week 19

Kevin had another trip to Virginia planned this week, so August, Daphne, Lilly, and I spent the week in Granbury with my mom while my dad was in Sweden. We had a great fun-filled week spent with family and good friends. Once Kevin returned, we were able to spend a couple of more days hanging out and relaxing in the pool. It was a nice way to start the summer though we were all ready to get home and back into our routines.

cousin Noah declared his super power: DROOLING

Week 18

This week started with August's 4 month well-baby check-up. We are proud to declare that he is doing quite well! He weighed in at a hefty 14 lbs 7 oz, and measured an even 24". This brought him from the 5th% at his 2 month appointment, into the 50th% at this appointment. The little guy is really starting to pack on the pounds and shed some of that 'little old, wrinkly man' appearance. Once again he received 5 vaccinations, but handled it like a champ with minimal crying.

He also started doing a lot of log rolling. You can't keep the little guy off of his tummy these days. Needless to say he's spending a lot more time on blankets on the floor and less time on elevated objects. It's fun to put him down in one position and look over to find him completely on the opposite end of his palette after just a matter of seconds. He will also try to crawl and finds himself easily frustrated with his inability to get his tummy up and off the ground.

ready for summer!

kitchen utensils 101

where's the food?


Four Months!

Week 16

There was a slight shift in the dynamic of our household this week. I started an old job back up again and am now spending quite a lot of time at the computer, that is when August lets me. My goal is to accumulate 20 hours a week, and after the first week I must say it is going to be quite a feat. Don't get me wrong, I am quite thankful to have the extra income and even more grateful that I didn't really have to join the masses to search out a job, it just kind of casually fell into place. Come to think of it, that's how all of my jobs have happened thus far...my old professor George Mann was correct that it's a little about talent and a lot about who you know! 

Needless to say, it was quite the juggling act this past week. Don't worry August is as fat and happy as ever, I just can't say as much for my appearance or for that of the house. Oh and sleep has dropped down to 3rd on the list of priorities. But now that I need a little more independence throughout the day, August acquired yet another entertainment contraption. He really loves to stand (with support of course) and bounce around so I thought it would be the perfect time to introduce him to an exersaucer. He loves it! He hasn't quite figured out how to spin it around to the different toys, but he will stand there and play for a very long time. So now I'm thinking of setting up a little circuit workout to keep his day exciting, much like they have at that Curves for women place. He has quite the collection now: bouncer, swing, doorway jumper, floor gym thing, and now his exersaucer. I can just set them all up in the living room and let him have at it. He also has a new swing hanging on our balcony, but that needs a little more adult supervision than the others. Moral of the story, I hope all of his contraptions keep him happy and not feeling neglected :) Hopefully this next week will help us find a little more routine to our day.