
3 Months

Otis turned three months on the 14th. Here's a glimpse of the oh-so-many faces of three months:


Chasing Fairies

The Zilker Botanic Garden has been hosting a Fairy House exhibit for the past couple of months. Every time that I drove by, I would make a mental note of the sign, and then proceed to forget. I finally came to the realization that the event was ending this weekend, so it was time to quite procrastinating and check out it. So we asked one of our appropriately dressed sweet friends, her mom, and her baby brother to join us for a couple of hours. Despite the humidity and threat of rain, the little ones had a wonderful time chasing each other around, looking for fairies, and  deciphering the maps. While we may not have found every house in the garden, our three year olds definitely had their share of fairy fantasies for the day.



August: Keeper of all maps
Otis: a very protective sandwich


Documenting Memories

Kevin's paternal grandmother, Nana, recently made the difficult decision to move from her beloved house, and into a senior's facility. We are all so thankful that she was selfless enough to realize that this is the safest place for her to be, even if it meant leaving the house and property where she has resided for over five decades. While Kevin's family has done all of the laborious work of getting her moved and situated, we thought the least we could do was pay her a visit, introduce her to her newest great grandson, and photograph some of her favorite spots from around the property. We had a wonderful visit with Kevin's uncle, cousin, and sister as we walked around and reminisced about all of the living that has taken place on that spot in southeast Texas. And as has become our new tradition, we thoroughly enjoyed staying with Kevin's overly hospitable Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin. They certainly love to spoil our boys, and feed and entertain the rest of us so very well. It was a wonderful visit for us all, and we hope to make it back very soon.



"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

August: such a fun age of imagination
Otis: testing out his Great Grandmother's new bed


Summer is Near

A couple of weekends ago, our friends invited us over for a little backyard get together. It had been a while since we were all able to gather and relax for a few hours. There were all of the essentials of a good backyard picnic... hot dogs, boudin, and beer. While the water was a bit cold for the littles, it was a sure sign that summer is right around the corner. I certainly hope this was just a preview of a fun, simple summer with friends.



"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

August: it runs in the family
Otis: drooling machine


Mother's Day

What a beautiful Sunday spent frolicking with my loves. The day actually started off later than usual as Otis and I snuggled in tight and managed to sleep until 10! When I awoke there were presents and cards anxiously awaiting my attention on the table. A very excited August kept yelling 'surprise'! The boy lives for holidays, seriously. Later that morning I enjoyed some delicious decaf and homemade pumpkin doughnuts. As Kevin said, I'm probably the only woman that enjoyed pumpkin doughnuts for mothers day. They turned out to be everything I had hoped they would be. A few hours later, we gathered the troops and took the family wagon out for a stroll around the lake. Soon enough the day was coming to an end, it was time for some more homemade delights...pot stickers and fried rice. It truly was a beautifully relaxing day. I am truly so blessed to spend my days with these three guys of mine, they treat me like a queen.