
Christmas Roundup #1

We were lucky enough to spread our Christmas holiday celebration out over 6 days, and three destinations this year. The first stop of of the season was down to Floresville to spend a few days with Kevin's family. Despite August coming down with a runny nose and cough on the drive down there, we managed to spend a wonderful weekend with Kevin's parents, siblings, nieces, and two grandmothers. We were all ridiculously spoiled beyond reason, indulged in delicious home cooked meals, and generally just enjoyed some much needed downtime in the company of family.

The only downer of the weekend was that halfway along our journey, I realized that I left my camera back home! It was a strange, empty feeling to be camera-less for the weekend. Thankfully I had my phone so that I could still document the occasion for posterity sake...albeit a bit blurry.

funny moment:
 this frog working his way up the bathroom sink to greet a very surprised Kevin.

sometimes you've just had enough.


Merry Christmas

May you all be blessed to spend the day in the presence of those you love.

Isaiah 9:2-7
2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. 3 You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy;they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as men rejoice when dividing the plunder.4 For as in the day of Midian's defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor. 5 Every warrior's boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire. 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.


The Big Man

August was a lucky little boy this year, he got to see Santa twice! He actually woke up asking to see Santa almost everyday after we told him about the jolly old fellow. Our plan every year is to drive up to Dallas and have a big Langford family cousin picture taken with the REAL Santa at Northpark Mall. But last year, the arrival of Baby Milo impeded with those plans, and this year, a nasty stomach bug grabbed took hold of the cousins. So yet again we were forced to plan our visit with Santa's helper.

Our first photo was a bit of an impromptu affair. Santa Claus made a scheduled visit to Morgan's Wonderland just before we were planning our departure. So thanks to Kevin's mom who waited in line for us all, August was able to have his first encounter with the man in red. He was quite excited, and much to the surprise of us all, he asked Santa to make him a teddy bear. Lest you think we encouraged this, he has spoken about that teddy bear every day since. Sometimes he will answer 'presents', while other times he will respond with 'a pouch, blueberries, and yogurt'. But when you ask him what specific toy that he would like Santa Claus to make him, he responds with a 'teddy bear'. We find it odd because this is the kid that has never exactly had a lovey of any kind, or grown too attached to any toy. Regardless, after some online research and interrogating, we think we've narrowed down the perfect bear. Anyway, the picture of course turned out quite cute and we were all happy as a clam.

But of course after the Dallas visit fell through, I felt compelled to do our traditional Santa photo. The one where we're dressed, ready, and rested for the occasion. On a recent Saturday morning, we drove up to the Domain in North Austin right as they opened to get a good spot in line for our picture. Thankfully Kevin was able to drop us right at the door of Santa's little workshop, and we claimed our spot in line. August was in a great mood, and continually repeated how excited he was to see Santa. Our wait was less than thirty minutes, and the encounter was as happy and joyous as we expected. August again just asked for presents, and then spent the rest of the visit comparing his water bottle with Santa's. We have another frame worthy picture to document this year, and we all left quite thrilled. Even more thrilled after he convinced us to ride the little train around the shopping center too...

Santa Visit #1

Santa Visit #2


Trail of Lights

After a two year absence, the city of Austin has welcomed back the Christmas tradition known as the Trail of Lights. It's a fabulously festive, free event sponsored by various business around the city. Essentially every evening for one week, Zilker Park is transformed into a twinkling winter wonderland. We used to enjoy walking the dogs through the trail in years past, and knew that we couldn't let this year pass without taking our pint-sized decoration gawker. After letting the first couple of days pass, we finally decided to load August up in the stroller and join the masses for the short stroll down to the lights. Unfortunately this year, dogs aren't allowed, so the girls were forced to sit this one out. Despite seemingly fighting the rest of the city of Austin for a glimpse of the scenes, all three of us thoroughly enjoyed our evening in the park. Being able to witness August's enthusiastic reaction to the Where the Wild Things Are, Charlie Brown, and Hey Diddle Diddle scenes made the entire experience another priceless memory for the books.

* I must add that all photos are credited to my lovely husband, Kevin. I really should try sharing the camera more often...*


Gingerbread Showdown 2012

Two years ago, we initiated an 'annual' gingerbread house building competition with our friends the Sprads. Last year was a bi-year as Little Miss M's arrival was looming. Now that everyone is fully settled into our family lives, we figured it was time to relive the splendor that is the gingerbread showdown. While this years efforts were a bit less glorious than their 2010 counterparts, it was still a grand old time for both parties. We've already resolved to come a bit more prepared and planned out next year... Sprads, you've been warned!

Our 'Gimmybed' trader gave up on us early
The Gupton's Creepy Diabetic's Dream Daycare Center
The Sprads' Tree Hugging Granola Crunch 
In all their glory!
and we can't forget the understated yard display of their next door neighbors!
August was in love.


Zilker Tree

A few nights ago we went on a leisurely stroll down to the Zilker tree. It's an Austin holiday tradition to make the pilgrimage for a spin under the decked out gaslight. Of course this year August loved it more than ever. He had a grand ol' time showing off his spinning skills, and chasing all kinds of random big kids around under the glowing lights. Yet another reason why we love this town so very much.


a December Birthday Party

Between our two extended families, we have quite a few birthdays to celebrate in December. Unfortunately the events on my family's side were postponed this year due to a stomach bug. But thankfully we were recently able to travel down to San Antonio for the day to celebrate our niece Catherine's 6th Birthday. The occasion was held at a fabulous, completely ADA compliant, park called Morgan's Wonderland. This was our first visit to the park, but most definitely will not be our last. It turned out to be a beautiful day for a party, and a wonderful time was absolutely had by all.