
Augie meets Aggieland

Kevin's cousin, (my former roommate) Courtney and her family recently relocated back to College Station. We always love getting together with the five of them, so when they invited us out for a visit, we jumped at the chance. Besides, at 19 months, we decided it was time to introduce August to our alma mater.

We started our introduction on the far western edge of campus, at one of our favorite spots, Research Park. It is located in close proximity to the regional airport, so August absolutely loved watching all of the small aircraft land. 

Next we worked our away along the quiet paved trail where we made the acquaintance of friendly blue dragonfly.

After we wished our new friend adieu, we made the long trek past all of the festive tailgaters and spirited revelers, to our final destination, the Quad.   Having been in the Corps of Cadets during his undergrad years, Kevin enjoys viewing the pre-game formation of all of the outfits, known as March-In, as they make their way to Kyle Field.  Much like his mommy, August wasn't quite sure what the cannon firing, the yelling, and the marching were about, but he thoroughly enjoyed listening to the band play the Aggie war hymn as they made their way by.

Just as the Corps made their way out of sight, two of Augie's beloved cousins and their mommy ran up to meet us. Naturally it was hugs all around for the boys.

Since it was an exciting, big game day against Oklahoma State University, the six of us took our time strolling around Kyle Field, the MSC, and the center of main campus to take-in some of the chaos. Lucky for us, we happened to run into another of the Corps of Cadets traditions, the Parson's Mounted Cavalry.

And on our long, hot walk from the commotion to the car, Augie even got to see an A&M firetruck!

By the time we reached Courtney's house, we were all quite tuckered out. So we kicked off our shoes (or clothes in Augie's case), cooled off, and settled in to watch the game. After a brief nap, it was definitely time for the for the mommy's to make a run to Sweet Eugene's coffee house, and for all of the cousins to play. There was an impromptu jam session, lots of cooking in the kitchen, and even a very fierce Michael Jackson: The Experience competition on the wii. 

All in all, it was a wonderful Saturday spent reminiscing, and creating new memories with the family. We've always loved when we all get together, and are so lucky to have them only an hour and a half way now. Hopefully there will be many more fun visits in our future.

Getting the Job Done

Kevin has had a couple of back-to-back business trips recently, so Augie, the dogs, and I have been finding our 'solo' routine again. We're always proud of how we are able to hold down the fort while he is gone, but  of course it's always nicer to have him home again.

and particularly fun when he comes home with surprises!

Thankfully this past week, we were able to enjoy the company of my mom and her two companion terriors. August always loves snuggling,playing, and ipad-ing with his Momo, and I certainly appreciate the company and the added help.


Friendly Friday

Since the weather has actually been cooling down into the 70's in the mornings, life outside is becoming a tad bit more tolerable. To celebrate this tiniest teaser of fall, August and I spent a beautiful morning at Zilker park with some friends. We took our first ride on the Zilker Zephyr, tried our hardest to wear the finish off of the slides, chased many a pigeon, and enjoyed a lovely picnic overlooking Barton Springs pool...well a quick picnic as a toddler's patience only runs in 30 second spurts. It was one of those absolutely perfect mornings that help to remind me just how blessed we are to be able to spend this time together, to have wonderful fellowship with friends, and to live in such a great city. This life is far from perfect, but yesterday certainly was a reminder that it's still a good life for sure.


the BIG day

Today was Augie's first day of preschool. Yes I know, back in the day it was referred to as 'Mother's Day Out', but I've been informed that this is an actual preschool program. Regardless of the title, for (hopefully) five hours a day, two days a week, our little guy will spend his days learning, playing, creating, snacking, and napping with a room full of other young toddlers.
  After an eventful open house where August climbed, fell, screamed, hit another kid, rushed the stage of a concert, and rode in a barrel train, I was rightly justified in being a bit apprehensive for the big day. It wasn't your typical separation anxiety that comes with preschool, but rather the 'please Lord don't let my son get kicked out of preschool' kind of fear.
  So we packed his lunch the night before, double-checked that we had everything on the list of requirements in his matching backpack, and charged the camera battery for the momentous morning ahead. After a meager breakfast of cereal and a partial banana, I wrestled August long enough to get him in my pre-arranged first day of school outfit. Naturally we planned a photo shoot at the front door. But of course by the time we made it out there, August was on to us. He wanted nothing to do with pausing for pictures, and was more than willing to walk himself to school if we didn't hurry up and load the car.
  Once I found an open spot in the parking lot and freed him from his seat, he swiftly pointed to the building to let me know that's where we needed to head. Once in the building we weaved ourselves through the nervous families until we made it to the room with the baby gate, at the end of the hall, where the screeching wails were resonating. I slowly lowered August down amongst the screamers where he subsequently took off towards every available toy he could find. I eventually figured out where to put all of his belongings, snapped a couple of pics, went over to unsuccessfully attempt to conjure a 'goodbye' from my busy little guy, and walked out the door. And snapped a few more pics.
  After a weirdly quiet, yet super productive morning I was more than ready to pick up my missing link. Apparently I was the least eager parent as there were only two stragglers remaining in the room. One happened to be comatose in the corner, and August was in the opposite end riding the rocking horse in silence with a glazed look over his eyes. Nope, he hadn't napped at all. Not that he didn't need it, he was beyond exhausted, but in typical August form he just couldn't shut it down.
  Besides not napping, he had a great report from his teachers. Sure he couldn't be bothered to sit down long enough to eat his lunch, but most importantly he didn't seem to have any hitting episodes and has been invited to return later in the week.
  Once home, I promptly placed him in his bed where he went down for two hours without a peep. I'm pretty sure he would have continued to sleep through the night had he not woken up in a ravenous state. So he finally at his lunch, insisted on watching Nemo on the ipad, and then went back to bed. I had planned on taking an 'after' first day of school picture, but I figured that we already had plenty of  sleeping baby in the crib shots.  The poor little guy has no idea what hit him today. All in all it was a great day, the only thing that would make it better is if he would nap at school like a normal toddler!

need to work on our bento system

catch me if you can!


A Weekend Stroll

Saturday morning provided a lovely backdrop for a family stroll through the park. 

Tired of observing, he
HAD to get his piggies wet!

And what a beautiful (albeit hot) walk it was.