
Say Hello to our Little Friend

We have a new friend in the house and her name is Sophie. She's a fabulous chew toy for our pre-teether who loves to drool and gnaw on everything he gets ahold of. She makes everyone smile. We just have to make sure Daphne doesn't love her and her oh-so-gentle, squeeky body too much...not a dog toy!

Week 12

This week marked a whole new set of developments in August's young life. He's definitely more vocal than he has been, he actually plays by himself for a longer amount of time, he is reaching and grasping at objects, and most notably he has started rolling over from his tummy to his back!

Kevin took a short trip to DC this week leaving Lilly, Daphne, August, and me home by ourselves for the longest stretch ever. We managed to survive, albeit a little fussier than normal, but I sure was glad to hop in the shower as soon as he got home!

First Trip to Floresville

This past weekend we loaded up the car yet again and headed down to Floresville, TX to visit Kevin's parents and brother. With the exception of heading out to our niece Renee's soccer game on Saturday, we just stayed around the house and chilled all weekend. We all enjoyed lounging around, eating home cooking, and playing in the backyard with the new schnauzer puppy, Trixie. All in all it was a nice, relaxing first visit with the Gupton family.


KayKay and her kids


smiling it up for his KayKay

chatty morning baby

Lilly and her Craig

spunky puppy Trixie


Week 11

Along with his latest growth spurt, August has become so much more alert this past week! Not only has he enjoyed spending time in his bouncer, his play gym, and his doorway jumper, but he seems to enjoy all of the quiet, downtime as well. He'll happily coo and smile at you if you give him even the slightest bit of eye contact. This newest development came as a bit of a surprise on our behalf, but it is so much fun. If he's this entertaining now, I can't wait to see what each new week holds! 

he loves his jumper Aunt Polly!
(with a little support from a towel)

a 'conversation' with the hippo

so awake!

he still sleeps in his moses basket in our room, so I thought I would acquaint him with his crib. as long as he had his sheepskin, he was a happy camper!

Week 10...a Week in Granbury

Kevin took his first work related trip since August's birth this past week. I wasn't too interested in spending an entire week in solitude at home with a 10 week old and two dogs, we loaded up the car and headed to Granbury (my parent's house) for the week.

The week started off great with a trip to visit my mom's school so she could show off her latest grandbaby, then August and I went to my friend Christian's house for lunch with her and her two boys, and finally we met up with my sister and her kids for some bluebonnet pictures. Unfortunately the fun stopped there as I contracted a quite debilitating stomach virus for the last half of the week. I haven't been that sick in years!!!

I am so THANKFUL that we were at my parent's house when I got sick because I honestly don't know how I could have possibly managed to tend to August. My mom's August duty began at 3:30 in the morning, and didn't end until 8:00 am the next day! She took a day off of work and thankfully kept him in her side of the house while I quarantined myself in the guest  room with my two faithful companions. I sure missed my little guy for those 28 hours, but I knew that he was much better off with my mom. I spent my awake time constantly praying that he wouldn't catch whatever it was that I had. The prayers definitely worked as he seems to have survived unscathed!

Well I say unscathed...my mom 'accidentally' overfed him all day. That one day of gorging seemed to crack open an underlying appetite in the little guy, as we now have quite the chubby baby on our hands! He has most definitely worked his way out of his newborn clothes and is flying through his 0-3 month wardrobe. Not only did I buy bigger clothes today but I am contemplating the purchase of some larger quantity bottles too. It's so strange to see him with so much baby fat but is quite fun to squeeze I must say!

chilling with Rhett

memories with Noah and Emeri

How I survived the stomach virus of 2010:

 ice, warm coke, and infant tylenol (it was the only thing w/in arms reach!!!)

faithful companion Daphne

furry nurse Lilly


August goes to the ranch

On our way up to the metroplex this weekend, we made a slight detour to a place that is very near and dear to my heart. We took August and the dogs to the Talbert Ranch in China Spring, TX, to visit one of the most special people to me who has been a bit under the weather lately. I was so happy to be able introduce August to my 'grandma' Mama T. We had a wonderful, short visit with her, 'Uncle' Pat, cousin Julie and her family. Of course while we were driving through we couldn't help but take a few photos around the amazing property. I can't wait for August to go on many adventures around the ranch with the cousins as he grows up.


2 Month Check-Up

August had his two month visit with his pediatrician this week. As expected he's still on the small side, but doing great otherwise! He weighed in at 9 lbs 10oz (putting him in the 5th%), he was 22 5/8" long (40th%), and his head was 38 cm (15th%). The poor little guy endured one heel prick and five immunizations, but handled them like a champ. With moderate crying and lots of snuggling, he bounced back quickly. If all goes as planned, he won't have to go back for two more months.


We spent the Saturday before Easter in Lissie,TX with Kevin's mom's side of the family. It was a very nice day for eating some home cooking, hunting eggs, and just catching up with family. We truly spent Sunday as the Sabbath...we just lounged around and spent the day recovering from August's first road trip. While we didn't make it this year, we look forward to being involved in a church next year, so we can educate Augie on the true importance of the holiday.

August's first Easter

Little Cousins

Big Cousins

Granny snuggles

Daddy's loot

Augie's loot

Gupton boys