
Memorial Day Weekend

August took his 4th road trip this weekend when we made a short jaunt down to Houston for Kevin's cousin Stefanie's wedding. Though we didn't make it in time for the ceremony, we got dressed in our best to celebrate with the family at the reception. A great time was had by all but we are happy to be back home and in our own beds tonight!

little man!

hanging with Pappy

dancing with KayKay

cousins Renee & Catherine


Week 15

We marked a momentous occasion during week 15, August started sleeping 7-8 hours at night! While I never really felt too sleep deprived in comparison to a lot of new mom's as he always let me sleep at least 4 hours in a stretch, this new accomplishment is much appreciated! Of course I had to do a double-take at the time on the clock after the first night, I've quickly grown accustomed to his new schedule. He also insists on sleeping on his left side with his right leg swung over his left, and his right arm draped dramatically over the side of his face. Perhaps he would have slept this well all along had I just known how to position him?

Week 14

Sorry for the delay, life is getting a little busier. Not necessarily more exciting, just more productive as we're all settling into our routines. Without further ado, on with the updates...

Week 14 in August's life was filled with tons of rolling over. It seems that he wants to be in any position but his back these days, and he will certainly find a way to wiggle himself onto his side or his tummy if you give him the chance. He also started staring at and using his hands quite a bit more. If he can't get the pacifier oriented or if there isn't one nearby, he will just find two of his favorite fingers to SLURP on! He's always been quite a squirmy baby but it seems that with some newfound height, weight, strength, and motor skills he doesn't sit or lay still EVER.


Mother's Day!

I had a very nice, low-key, first Mother's Day weekend. I must admit it's strange to be celebrating Mother's Day considering I've only been a mother for 3 months (well 12 months if we're counting gestation). But still, it's not like I've done as much as someone who's celebrating their 50th holiday or anything. Not that I'm ungrateful by any means, my boy's made it a very special occasion, and I'm very blessed to have my little family...it just still feels a bit unjust.

Kevin and I have a thing about not publicly celebrating holiday's on the actual days. We refuse to be cliche' and go out with the masses on Valentines Day, so we decided we would treat our new parental holiday's the same way. Therefore, we went out to a nice lunch on Saturday instead of Sunday. We went downtown and checked out a cute shabby-chic little bistro, Walton's Fancy and Staple. It was a delicious light lunch of sandwiches, soup, salad, and iced tea. August entertained himself quite nicely in his car seat while we chowed down.

 Kevin spent the rest of the weekend working on projects we've both put off for quite a while. He built Versailles boxes for the fig and satsuma trees we were given two Christmas's ago (but who's counting?). He also bought the lumber for a daybed/bench we've planned for the balcony, so hopefully we will be able to whip that project out soon as well. Don't get me wrong, I didn't expect him to single-handedly build these projects. We did buy the chopsaw because I have a special place in my heart for them afterall! It's just that August isn't very patient these days, and wouldn't exactly allow both of us to work at the same time. So all I got to do was measure out and mark the boards. Next time I expect some power tool action though, as it's been way too long!

Other than our lumber projects, I received a bunch of beautiful, pink hydrangea's, a very pokey, torch cactus to add to the collection (because they love me so much it hurts), and a fabulous card complete with Augie's hand print since he obviously can't sign his name yet. I noticed the two of them were being suspiciously quiet and went downstairs to find Kevin feverishly trying to get the ink off of our baby's hand. No need to worry, he only has the slightest bit of blue remaining under his thumbnail :)

It was a great weekend with my boys and the pups, once again I feel so blessed to have my happy, healthy little family!

Week 13

This week was definitely fun-filled and swift! We started out with a great, surprise visit from my old college friend Sophia. She had just two days in town before having to head back to London and managed to fit in visits with four new babies! It was a short visit but always a great time catching up with her.

One of Kevin's bosses has season tickets to the local minor league baseball team, the Round Rock Express. He travels quite often and is always more than willing to share his seats for the games that he can't attend. Thanks to Roy, we've seen a few games over the years, and were able to take Augie to his first one this week! He really seemed to enjoy himself despite the bright lights and the loud crowd. He quietly sat in our laps and took in the atmosphere. He even had his first celebrity sighting as Will Ferrell made an appearance as the pitcher 'Rojo Johnson'. It was a great experience for all of us and further proves that this little guy is easy to take almost anywhere!

On a bit of a down note, August sustained his first minor injury this week. He unfortunately had a run in with Daddy's thumbnail, and it left a nice, small, deep gash on the right side of his head. Kevin of course felt awful but I reminded him that it was quite minor and is definitely just the first of many to come!

Finally this week, we added another baby contraption to our repertoire. Other than napping and tons of snuggling, August spends his days rotating between his swing, his bouncer, his baby gyms, his doorway jumper, and now he has a Bumbo to add to the circuit. It's a molded seat that is made to help younger babies sit up with assistance. You can just see the pride in this little guy's eyes when we place him in his seat...that is until his head get's too heavy and starts wobbling all over the place.

All in all, it was a great, busy week for our family. August continues to show more and more personality with each passing day!