
Week 3

The end of last week and this weekend were quite enjoyable for all of us. August's Momo (My mom) came back into town for a few days of quality snuggling. Then on Sunday we had visits from Kevin's cousin Kyle and his wife Courtney who are due to deliver their baby girl in the next few weeks, and from my cousin Julie who was in town for a meeting. On top of all the fun social time, it was an absolutely gorgeous weekend (we're talking shorts weather) so we spent as much time outside and on the trail as possible. It's a good thing we soaked it all in because just 48 hours later it was SNOWING!

He naps best with Momo


chicken legs


chilling with the girls

dressed for the cold

baby's first snow!!!


2 Week Check-Up

Kevin went back to work on Monday, so August and I have been trying to transition into a 'normal' routine. We're not quite there yet, but every day gets a little easier. Though I'm not sure that the dogs would agree!
   He had his 2 week appointment yesterday, and things are looking quite well. He's still under-performing in the weight gain department, but hopefully he'll hit a growth spurt in the next week or so, and get back up to his birth weight...He's sitting at a whopping 6 lbs 15 oz right now. He hasn't grown any longer either, but his head grew an inch. I'm okay with scrawny and smart :)

Ready-made Babysitter

Feeling Neglected

Valentines Day/ Kevin's Birthday

This past weekend was a bit of a special one for us. Not only was it August's first Valentines Day, but it also preceded Kevin's 32nd birthday on Monday. While we still feel a bit confined to the house until our routine is more predictable, we managed to have a nice mini-celebration. August's KayKay (Kevin's mom), Aunt Leslee, Cousin Renee, and Great-Grandma Gupton came to visit. It was both Renee and Great-Grandma Gupton's first time to meet our little man. We spent a nice relaxed time hanging out at the house, and then they all took Kevin out for some birthday tacos before returning for celebratory cupcakes. Unfortunately on Monday, Kevin had to go back to work so the birthday was a bit more low-key than usual. We'll have to make it up to him next year!

Week 2

Well we're continuing to find our groove around here! August is slowly working up an appetite... and the patience required to eat. We didn't do much this week except work on eating, leave the house for a few appointments, and for his first long stroll around the lake. He managed to sleep the whole 1.5 hours, so we'll call it a success. It felt so nice to finally hit the trail with the dogs, hopefully we can start running it again before too long!
   We continued to have a few visitors drop by. Kevin's Aunt Polly was in town for a conference, so she was able to come spend an evening with us. Our good friends Josh and Sarah brought along some homemade chili and cornbread one evening, we greatly enjoyed both the food and the company!


Home! (Week 1)

It was so nice to come home on Wednesday afternoon and get to know each other without all of the interruptions. My mom, Momo, took the week off of work to come help out where we needed, and of course get as many snuggles in with Auggie as possible. He had his first weigh-in on Thursday morning and had lost a little too much of his birth weight, so we started working with a great feeding specialist to help get him motivated. It appears that the little guy prefers to sleep than eat, and if it requires too much work on his behalf, he'll just fall back asleep. Speaking of sleep, absolutely nothing seems to wake him up...until you take his clothes off and then he displays his frustrations! He's not quite up to his full eating potential yet, but he is slowly gaining weight again...and giving us our first of many lessons in patience.


Surprisingly we stayed quite calm throughout all of Monday night and into Tuesday. Perhaps we can credit the classes that we took, or just that we knew there was no turning back! Our pre-induction began Sunday night around 8, and our actual induction began bright and early Monday morning at 6. Twelve hours and 21 minutes of hard work later, August was born! He weighed in at 7lbs 5 oz, and 21" long. Shortly after his arrival, Auggie (or Gus) was introduced to both sets of grandparents...his Momo and Grandaddy, KayKay and Pappy, Aunt Leigh Ann, Uncle Sal, Cousins Noah and Emeri, and Aunt Leslee. After everyone left we all snuggled in for a rest after such a long day.
Very proud new dad who didn't even think of fainting!

Getting acquainted

Momo and Grandaddy

KayKay and Pappy

Big Cousin Noah

Happy Cousin Emeri

Bundled for the trip home!

The Pre-Party

So we found out on Thursday the 28th, that we were going to be induced Monday the 1st. It was nice having a definite date to plan everything around. We met up with some friends on Friday night at a local wine bar for one last social hour, Saturday we spent cleaning,shopping, and some last minute nesting. Sunday we enjoyed quite a nice relaxing day...we played with the dogs in the park, Kevin made some heart-shaped 'egg-in-the-nests', I made some cinnamon latte's, and we just chilled out at home until we had to board the dogs and check-in for our pre-induction that evening.
A last meal of sorts

No idea what we're getting ourselves into