

It's no secret, this kid is crazy about his bubbles. Nothing makes him more excited than a sky filled with floating liquid circles. (except Dora, Boots, and Map, but we try to keep that one on the down low.) So needless to say when I surprised him with the second bubble bath of his life, he was a little over the moon. Perhaps I shouldn't deprive him so often.



Kevin and I have been on an amazing adventure over the past nine days, but
I've never missed someone so much in all my life.


These Two...

Make my heart want to explode.


Rub a Dub Dub

Well it's certainly not as majestic as this, but it's the best that we can do for now. And we happen to love it oh so much.


Augie Cooks

Somehow we created a little cook. Sure he has an adorable kitchen of his own size sitting in the corner, but why would he play with that when the real thing is so accessible? We can not go into the kitchen without the little guy running to his big green chair, dragging it to the counter, and practically pushing us out of the way to get in on the action. Try telling him 'no'? You might as well be trying to rip his heart out.

Of course who ever does the cooking gets to partake in the licking



Kevin thought August would like to see a snail. Perhaps if the snail was out in it's environment...and not in August's house.

...from a distance.


Pre-School Wrap Up

Now that Augie's first year of preschool has been over for nearly a month, I figured it's time to post some pics from his last day. He had a wonderful first year at 'chools'. We feel so blessed to have found such a nurturing environment with such amazingly loving, patient teachers. We had such joy witnessing our one year old toddler blossom into a full-fledged, confident preschooler over the past several months. Honestly, I don't think we could have imagined a more picture-perfect introduction to school!  

dressed and ready for Splash day!

gifts of appreciation from a few of us

the sweetest 92 yr old volunteer you'll ever meet!
(I woke him up for this shot)

from his teachers



Happy to have Papa back home even if he did have loads of work to do. Tons of playing, a little Euro cup action, lots of attempts to turn on 'Dowa and Boots', a delicious homemade meal, and a couple of egg-y breakfasts thanks to our little chef who constantly demands that we 'cook eggs'.

there was a little bit of this too...