
Thanksgiving, Part One

Kevin's mom's side of the family always hosts a large gathering for the extended family every year on Thanksgiving. So at the end of every November, you will find us making the trek down to southeast Houston for the festivities. While we always  end up staying with family members, this year was particularly fun because Kevin's sister invited us to stay out at her house. She lives and works on a historical ranch outside of Houston, so we knew Augie would absolutely love to spend some time frolicking around.
Thanksgiving morning, we woke up to the most serene blanket of fog covering the entire ranch. Luckily for us it was Leslee's turn to feed the animals, so we were able to spend the morning 'helping' her out and taking in all of the sights. For our animal obsessed little man, it was a dream come true. He took his job of being Aunt Leslee's stable boy very seriously. We all loved every minute of it, and it definitely turned out to be the highlight of our weekend.

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