
Showering Babies

For the past couple of months, my dearest friend Cindy and I planned a special baby shower for my oldest friend, Katy. It has been a long, emotional road to get to this point, but now that Miss Reese Lillie is set to make her arrival in the next couple of weeks, the time was ripe for a celebration. We've had many showers at Cindy's house as it is the perfect canvas of shabby and chic, for every kind of celebration. So while I happily slaved away on the invitations and decorations, Cindy worked on perfecting the menu for the day. With just a couple of days to go, we were forced to move the event to Friday evening, but with the helpful contributions of a couple of our other high school friends and Cindy's mom, we were able to get everything set up in the perfect amount of time!

And the nice thing about evening celebrations is that the next morning we all could just wake up and enjoy the day at our leisure. While the boys were out dove hunting, we got to spend the morning hanging out with these crumbsnatchers!

he slays me...

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