

This past weekend was the annual ACL music festival out at Zilker Park. We didn't go last year, and were partially regretting it when you could hear all of the commotion from our front door. So when the opportunity arose to buy wristbands several months ago, we jumped at the chance. This was August's third year to attend, his first being while in utero, and the second time was when he was 9 months old. Needless to say, this was his first time to really experience the festival, or 'music show' as he refers to it...and he was a big fan! Of course his two year old energy and attention span made it a bit difficult to settle in and listen to an entire set of any one show, but we still managed to hear some really great bands. And we learned a bit more about August's musical tastes...the louder, more electronic the sound, the more his desire to get closer to the stage. And after a brief appearance on the stage during a Ralph's World set, he's now convinced he needs to go up to sing and dance on the stage at every show.

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