
Field Trip Friday

Kevin was recently away on travel for a couple of consecutive weeks. As soon as he returned, he took that Friday off and we drove down to Houston for a somewhat impromtu family field trip. I had purchased a voucher for the butterfly exhibit at the Houston Museum of Natural Science many moons ago, and seeing that it was going to expire at the end of September, we figure the time was now or never. Plus we figured August would be at a really fun age to enjoy it. That's a complete understatement! 
What began as a plan to see the butterflies for an hour or so, turned into an entire day of fun at the museum. We started with the butterflies, after a quick lunch break, we headed into check out the fabulous display of dinosaur bones. From there we wandered through the energy exhibit, the wild animal section, and the gem and mineral gallery before calling it quits after a mandatory stop at the museum shop. Once we had officially closed the museum down, it was time to swing by Starbucks for the caffeine-fix needed to make the drive back home. The day turned out to be so much more fun than any of us ever anticipated. We feel so blessed to have been able to take the time and enjoy this mini-adventure day together as a family!

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