
Butterflies on the Brain

Shortly after our trip to visit the butterflies, August came across a caterpillar that he decided we needed to save from the trial. Like any good Papa, Kevin scooped him up in a water bottle, and brought him home to a happy little mason jar habitat. There was some research on what to feed the little guy, what type of leaves he needs, etc. But the very next morning, before I could even snap his first squirmy photo, our little caterpillar began morphing into cocoon. August is very familiar with the process thanks to one of his all time favorite books, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. However, because this green cocoon looked so much like a leaf, we don't think August quite understood what had happened to his caterpillar. Much to our delight, our little caterpillar shed his habitat and dawned his beautiful wings on the Sunday morning after a harvest moon. Knowing that his lifespan is so short, we let August gawk at our new little friend for a while, participated in a mini photo session, and finally took him to the park to be released. We're not sure how he really felt about entering our home for the week as he didn't even have the decency to stick around and thank us. As soon as Kevin lifted the green leaf out into the fresh air, and as quickly as you could blink, our friend was gone into the trees. August still asks us 'where buffwhy go?'

"where go?"

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