
Thirty One

Yesterday was my birthday. I'm not a big celebrator of birthdays, well, of mine at least. But it turned out to be a beautiful cold, grey, rainy day just like I love. Augie, the dogs, and I just stayed in and played all day. August even so selflessly decided that I needn't be alone for a split-second of the day, and therefor opted out of an afternoon nap. Kevin made me a bear-head shaped cake the night before, my absolute favorite of boxed yellow batter and chocolate icing. Since we were both up working late that night, we cheated and consumed the ears before my actual big day. And as soon as he arrived home yesterday, he got to work preparing one of my favorite meals. Naturally we followed it with cake, or tried, before the candle-blowing, cake monster claimed most of it as his own. Yes, I'm a very blessed girl.

Complete w/ sprinkles in the batter

Yep, Sixteen Candles was on

he occasionally let us sneak a bite

UPDATE: My birthday night became even more exciting! After an exceptionally precarious pregnancy that included a marathon of a hospital stay, our dear friends the Sprads welcomed little baby M into the world at 12:08am... Though it's close enough, she'll always be a fellow January 9th baby in my book!

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