
Hello, 2012

Despite a slightly sick baby, we decided to go ahead and jump into 2012 head first. We woke up on Saturday still indecisive about committing to an out of town celebration. After obsessively checking Augie's temperature and temperment all throughout the day, we deemed him healthy and chipper enough to take the risk. Going into it, we knew the odds were mounted against us, and the night had great potential for big, fat failure.

Most people would not automatically think of College Station as a premier new years eve destination. But seeing that some of our favorite relatives live in that town, we had a place to stay, and Augie would be in loving hands, it seemed the perfect fit for us. Though as we were driving, and continued to receive updates from the rest of our party of their delayed departure, we came very close to turning around a few times. The night was beginning to look a little bleak, and the tension in the car was rising by the minute, but we decided to trudge on anyway. 

Once we arrived to town and headed straight to our favorite restaurant, the mood started to lighten. It was quite fun to introduce a very jovial Augie to one of our special haunts from back in the day. After we dined on fish tacos and queso, we wandered over to Northgate for a super quick meet up with another old friend. While Kevin and Josh chatted, Augie and I took in the 'interesting' holiday decor of the area. And thankfully by the time we were done there, the Rottman's had arrived back in town and it was time to get the celebration on.

August was more than happy to hang out with his beloved 2nd cousins, and thankfully our sweet Aunt Polly was more than willing to spend the remainder of the evening with all of the kids while the six of us went out to ring in the new year. We had no agenda other than to get out of the house, spend time with each other, and find what fun was to be had. We eventually settled on downtown Bryan, dividing the evening between two lively spots. 

It wasn't necessarily a crowd that any of us are accustomed to spending our nights with, but it made for an entertaining evening of people watching. We ended up staying out so long that we shut the town down, which was definitely the first time that has happened in about eight years. After a quick late night snack with the masses at Taco Cabana, it was time to head home as August would be up and roaring to go in just a matter of hours. 

Despite a rocky start, the evening turned into one of the best new years celebrations that we have had in a very long time. I don't think any of us could maintain that lifestyle on a regular basis, but it was certainly fun to spend a relaxing evening just being able to laugh and loosen up a bit. If the rest of the year turns out being as fun as the first night, then it's going to be a great year. 

Northgate's classy holiday decor

photo courtesy of Claire

And just like that, it's 2012

Happy New Year!

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