
The Little Things

It's no secret that we are a family of ipad/iphone lovers. From just a few months old, August has been figuring his way around the devices. Yes, he learned how to slide his finger across a screen before he learned how to manually push a button. And now at the spry age of 23 months, he's an old pro at the technology... and regular buttons thank you very much. 
We've purchased many apps for him over the past couple of years, but one of our favorites continues to be Peekaboo Barn. This was the very first game that we introduced to our little guy at about 4 months of age, and he is still quite the fan today. I can't recommend it highly enough to anyone with young babies or toddlers. 
While we were playing on Christmas day, I noticed that they had replaced the usual green pasture background with a pearly blanket of snow. And as soon as Augie tapped to open the barn doors, we noticed a few other festive holiday touches, and varying winter accessories for the animals. It disappeared the next day, but we happily found that they decided to bring it back for the new year.
... And maybe I've been secretly trying to get him to play it more often so that I can see all of the cute residents in their hats, leg warmers, and scarves.

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