
Week 49

Quite a chilly cold front landed on Austin this week, so we spent the majority of the week cooped up in the warmth of our house. While our time was mainly occupied with the usual playing and harassing of the dogs, there were a couple of new developments. August's beginning to play a little more independently. If you just pull out his toy boxes, he will scurry his way into them and corral himself for a while. He is also quite content to pull out several of his favorite books and 'read' to himself for a good amount of time. But most notably, Augie's diet took a slight shift as we have introduced a lot of big people food into the routine. He's now eating whole grain waffles, toasted o's, cottage cheese, and pasta like an old pro. While I feel like we go through a thousand paper towels in a day, the actual number is dramatically reduced thanks to our furry, people food loving, companion, Lilly. She faithfully stations herself underneath his highchair throughout the meal, and as soon as the coast is clear, picks up all of the remnants that she can find. While we typically try to avoid feeding her much human food, at least it's all organic this time around?

still trying to 'slam-dunk' everything he can find

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