
Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is a little more festive for my family than the average, as the day is shared with my nephew Saoirse's (seer-sha...it's Irish!) birthday. So every year we all head out to my brother's house for the annual celebration. To clarify, by 'we' I mean the three of us, my parents, my sister's family, and obviously my brother and his family. After the candles have been blown, cake consumed, and presents opened, we caravan around the University/Highland Park area to view some elaborate residential light displays, then we head to the Neiman Marcus store in downtown Dallas to gawk at the year's window display and creative Christmas tree, before finally making the 1 1/2 hour drive back to Granbury just in time to open our Christmas jammies and head to bed. It's always a great time, but inevitably leads to a very groggy Christmas morning!

uncle 'Tevin' wrangling the boys

3 whole years, and in love with all things space!
my brother's sweet remodeled house

learning to play like the big boys
Christmas Eve jammies!

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