
a Sushi Date

Kevin's office is only ten miles from our house. Yet when you're caught up in the middle of your tasks for the day, it feels as though it may as well be 100 miles away. So basically lunch dates don't happen with us. But for some reason this past week, be it the pretty weather, or knowing Kevin was about to leave on another trip, or just the need to get out of the house, August and I resolved to make a mid-day lunch date with Kevin once and for all. It wasn't anything particularly fancy or exciting, but it ended up being a wonderful highlight to our otherwise monotonous day. And as an added bonus, we picked up the perfect little summer swimsuit for Augie. Win, win all around! 
And yes, we decided this needs to happen much more often.

he contemplated dining alone

but decided to join us for some edamame

and fun with Papa's chopsticks


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