
Another Upgrade

After constantly battling August about ascending and descending his high chair, and his persistence to climb all over us when we sit at the table, we decided it was time to move him to the table. We loved the high chair that we had for him, but it took up quite a bit of precious real estate, and wouldn't roll up to our current table the way that we have it situated now. So, on a recent trip to Ikea, I made the impulse decision to upgrade him then and there. We are quite pleased with the new arrangement, though it has taken some adjustment on our behalf to get used to his new found independence. Basically he can push his chair into the kitchen to reach anything off of the counters that peaks his interest. And in case you're wondering, he's only had two falls since we got it...thankfully resulting in only one slightly bruised chin!

custom placemat created here

he seems to like it too

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