

We had a pleasant Thanksgiving trip down to Houston where we spent a couple of days with Kevin's extended family. Of course August's eternal cold reared it's snotty head again, so we added a sick baby into the mix this year. But luckily we were able to fit some great family time in before we headed back to Austin where sickness put it's grip on all three of us. Regardless of a minor endless runny nose and cough, we have multitudes of blessings to be thankful for each and every day, so it's nice to set aside at least a day to reflect on this wonderful life.

Without further ado, pictures from the weekend:

 There was plenty of freshly-bathed baby cousin bonding

Loads of hugs and fun with older cousins

Quite a bit of riding on the range

An entertaining cartwheel training session

 An epic Apple-fest for the youngest generation

and Sleeping through the last playing of an Aggie/Longhorn tradition

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