
Brotherly Love

Two weekends ago, my brother, his family and their friends all came down to Austin for a relaxing weekend of fun and gluttony. Thankfully we were invited to meet up with them and join in on some fun over the three days. The first night we took a cranky, recuperating Augie up to Whole Foods (well past his bedtime) for a very short and 'sweet' meet and greet. The next afternoon we met up with them at the lawn of the state Capitol for some frisbee action and general mayhem, followed by a dinner and lively conversation at a favorite East side haunt. Finally on Sunday we all met up at Central Market for a bite to eat and an energetic playground romp for the shorties. We love when family and friends make the trek to our part of the state and give us the opportunity to show off all that is awesome about the great city of Austin.

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