
A Visit with the Cousins

My sister's family was visiting the 'burbs of Austin this past weekend for a soccer tournament. Though they stayed in a hotel up north, we took as much advantage of them being in the area as possible to fit in some quality cousin time. We met for pizza on Friday night, played and shopped in our area all day Saturday, and enjoyed a nice birthday brunch for my sister on Sunday. It was so fun to spend an agenda-free weekend together and just play.

While my sister and I spent some rare time together on Saturday, Kevin took the munchkins for a hike on the greenbelt and around Barton Springs: 

(iphone pics)

Then they all came back to our place to play and cool off with a serious video game session:

The youngest two decided to make music together, which ultimately became a nose kissing session:

We love getting to spend time with our big cousins, and all wish it could happen more often!

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