
Cabin Fever

Have I mentioned that it's been ridiculously hot this summer? Yes this is Texas, it always gets hot in the summer, but seeing that yesterday was the 70th day over 100 degrees for the season, (making it the hottest summer on record), conditions are getting pretty oppressive around here. I like to think that we're as acclimated as you can get, but at a certain point it's just not healthy for any living being to be out in the searing heat. Thus we have spent A LOT of time cooped up in the house. We only venture outside in the early morning hours, and after the sun has set in the evenings. The remaining 12 hours are occupied within the walls of our house. Sure we've scheduled coffee dates, play dates, museum dates, baby gym plays, free swims, and have done our fair share of shopping, but most of the time is spent at home. There are only so many creative activities you can come up with for the oh-so-short attention span of an 18 month old. So I'll be honest, we've watched a lot more  Finding Nemo than I ever anticipated allowing. Seriously, we watch it at least once a day. And sometimes we add Jack's Big Music Show and Olivia into the mix. It's not pretty, but I feel that it's been necessary for our sanity. Especially when the power was out and books weren't doing the trick. But fear not, when out attention is pulled from the screen, we're doing a lot of this: 

'Will we ever play outside again?'

Thank goodness pre-school starts soon!

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