
If the iPad Could Take a Bath...

If August could take the ipad into his bath with him, he would be the happiest boy in the world...and would probably never get out of the tub. This little fish loves bath time as much, if not more than taking a dip in the pool. Recently he's been requesting ('uh-huh' followed by pointing) that we turn the handheld shower head on for him as well. 

So it's fitting that his favorite movie to watch would be centered around water as well. While he will spend hours watching short episodes of Jack's Big Music Show, Finding Nemo is the only long feature that will hold his attention for any length of time. He especially loves watching it on the iPad of course. 

The problem with mixing toddlers with iPad's/iPhone's is that they are infatuated with the home button. Seeing that it's the only button on the contraption, naturally their little thumbs are attracted to it. So instead of getting a brief minute of peace and quiet while he plays some games, our services are continually sought for restarting app's. Enter this fun little problem solver. It's simply a thin piece of adhesive plastic that you stick directly on top of the button. Little fingers aren't strong enough to push the button underneath, but grown ups have no problem. I couldn't help but add a bit of flare to the one we put on the ipad with just some super glue and a piece of scrap paper. Cute and effective...mission accomplished!

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