
a 'Playroom'

We live in a small condo in our ideal location. While we dream of moving to a house with a large playroom, a dedicated office/creative space, and a large backyard, that's not feasible for our family at this time. So for now we choose to trade square footage for our 1200 sq.ft. + small back patio abode near downtown. 
Don't get me wrong, I love our home, it's just not laid out so efficiently for life with a 15 month old. We essentially only use one level for sleeping and storage, while the other floor is where we do all of our day- to- day living. I'd love to do more playing in Augie's room, but realistically, we spend most of our time in the brighter, slightly more spacious, 'great room'. And throughout the day, we do way more playing in this space than any other activity. With this reality, we needed to figure out a more efficient way of corral-ing all of the toddler toys our son has amassed while still giving all of us room to stretch out.
 With the purchase of a larger rug, shoving our small dining table against the wall, rearranging two accessory pieces of furniture, and designating two sliding, storage baskets for smaller toys under the couch, we've created the perfect play space. Allowing us to reclaim the living space without sacrificing too much of our grown-up aesthetic. And in the event that we have friends over, we will just relocate the toys back into Augie's room, pull the table from the wall, add a couple more chairs, and we have our dining room back.

1 comment:

  1. Nice idea, You have a nice condo, its small but you manage to organised those stuff,, good job..
    Thanks for the ideas

    Playroom Storage
