
Pacific Northwest

Kevin had a business trip to Washington state this past week, so August and I had the good fortune of traveling with him to see the sites. It was August's first big adventure, and my first real vacation since I was pregnant in San Francisco.

Despite flight delays with a very mobile toddler, and August and Kevin both catching colds the day before we left...which then turned into an ear infection for the little one, we enjoyed a great visit. We were in the region just long enough to get a sampling of the coastal areas, the small working communities, the tiny hamlets along Puget Sound, and of course the city life of Seattle.

We got to taste the cool, rainy weather of the northwest but thankfully had beautiful clear skies on our big sightseeing days. Having never been to Seattle, I have to admit that it was much bigger, and more urban than I had envisioned, and much hillier than I had anticipated, but every bit as exciting as I had hoped. In the crisp, northern light and cool, coastal climate everything seemed so much sharper and the colors more vivid. It was wonderful trip and we definitely look forward to going back again some day!

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