
Week 52

What a week! The last week of August's first year was crazy like no other. It started off quite nice with gorgeous spring like weather. On Tuesday was little man's actual birthday, so he spent the whole day both with Mommy and Daddy, and woke up to some birthday balloons adorning his highchair (no worries, he was never left unsupervised with them)! He also had a visit with Dr.C for his 12 month immunizations/check-up. The visit just re-affirmed that he is indeed as happy and healthy as we assumed. He measured 30.75" tall (80th %), weighed in at 23 lbs (55th%), and in typical fashion, his head was in the 95th%. He handled those awful shots like a champ, came home to a nice long recovery nap, and even had a visit from the best morning nanny in the world who brought him some birthday shoes!!! On Wednesday is when things went kind of crazy. The weather turned quite nippy on Tuesday evening, and in order to account for the sudden additional electrical usage in the region, the state of Texas implemented rolling blackouts. While they said that these outages were supposed to last 15 min. at a time, Ours ended up lasting 8 hours, with about 15 minutes of power each hour. August, the dogs, and I huddled upstairs in what warmth we could find, and I quickly adapted a routine for the few minutes of power we would have every so often. While it was a bit fun to 'camp out' all day, it was the second day in a row that I didn't get any work accomplished, and things did get a bit boring without our afternoon NPR. I'm still trying to figure out the states strategy of sharing the suffering, as we know numerous people who were not affected at all. interesting. Anyway, after our power fiasco on Wednesday, Thursday turned into a decent day albeit a bit chilly. But on Friday, things got crazy again as freezing rain and snow hit the area and rendered us trapped and out of our routine yet again!
making acquaintance with the garden gnome

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