
Week 44

Straight off of his bought with a cold and an ear infection, August developed a bit of conjunctivitis (aka pink eye) this week. One prescription for eye drops later, we were well on our way without too much of an interruption. While August was dealing with his variety of ailments, a new tooth (an Incisor to be exact) decided to make an appearance. I'm not sure if that had anything to do with making his symptoms more miserable, but that certainly helps to explain some of the excess liquid coming from his nose!

In less disgusting news, August has made a few developments of note. First of all, he has started rolling his plastic balls on the floor just so that he can crawl over and duck under the furniture to find them. It's so entertaining to watch him play by himself and even make up games. In even bigger news, our little man has started solo-standing this week! He flashes such a large, contagious smile when he does it, that sometimes he can't contain the proud laughter that comes pouring out. His toddler-sized feet stay firmly planted on the ground, but he's still a bit wobbly above the waist. It's such an exciting and momentous developmental step to witness, that it just reminds me of how quickly he is adapting to this life as a little human being, and there aren't enough photos in the world to keep up with the changes.

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