
A Visit with the Man in Red

We traveled up to Granbury this past weekend to see my parents, take Santa pics with August's cousins, and partake in our first family photo session at my dad's studio. It was certainly a jam packed weekend, but was a wonderful time with the family. Friday we woke up early (after one of our worst nights ever) to drive to Dallas and introduce August to the man in the red suit! My family has a long tradition with the Santa Claus that works at Northpark Mall every year. He is about as genuine as the fictitious character himself can get. The grandkids in our family are taught that he is the actual Santa, and that all of the guys they see in the other malls are just his helpers because he can't possibly be at all of the malls at once! We obviously aren't the only family in the Dallas area with this tradition as he is so popular that you have to pick a number and wait for hours upon hours for your number to come up to meet the man. Despite the hassle, it is so worth the experience, and we look forward to meeting up with him every year as long as he will be suiting up. Besides, Northpark is one of the few places that I can happily waste away several hours window shopping, people watching, and holiday decor gawking. Though it is essentially just a mall, there is something magical about that place. Where else can you do your shopping amidst the collection of one of the world's greatest art collectors? With sculptures and paintings submersed seamlessly into the space, it is hands-down one of my favorite destinations in the entire world. You don't just view the art and the architecture, but it's one of the very few places where the average person can interact with such beautiful pieces and spaces so casually. And when I think of the Christmas holiday season with the family, I often think of our trips to Northpark to see Santa, to watch the 12 days puppet show in the giant cuckoo clock, to see the penguins swimming in the interior fountain, view the model train exhibit, and listen to the carolers and the bell choirs. It seems that every year it just gets more amazing and whimsical, and enables us all to view the season like a child again.

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