
Week 42/ Thanksgiving

 We spent August's first Thanksgiving with Kevin's extended family in Richmond, TX. We shared a great traditional feast in the company of immediate family members, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends alike. The weather was beautiful as we all enjoyed our meal in Aunt LaVerne's outdoor living area. We stayed with Kevin's cousin's family, who's little baby Aubrey is just 2 months younger than Augie...we are definitely looking forward to introducing them to the holiday traditions together as they grow. Finally, to cap off the wonderful holiday, my dear husband allowed us to listen to holiday tunes the entire drive back to Austin!

Granny's grandkids and their kids
( some of) Nana's grandkids and their kids

Pappy trying to teach Augie to say 'Gig 'Em'

Happy Holidays!

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