
Flip Happy

Our little toddler is turning more and more into a physically capable little boy every day. Since turning 2 he has perfected his techniques for climbing and descending, jumping, and somersaulting, and is therefore always on the look out for a new physical challenge. Lately he's grown tired of the inanimate objects, and has chosen us as his jungle gym/balancing boards. Kevin can not stand without being solicited for flips, and I can not sit without having our monkey wrap his arms around my neck and do a plank...like I'm his personal street sign or something. As for the past couple of days, he's discovered the challenge of climbing up our backs, and quite confidently standing on our shoulders. We're torn as to whether he's going to join the circus or be an Olympic gymnast when he's older. Either way, in 11 months, he's being enrolled in a real gymnastics class!

every trick is followed with an enthusiastic dismount stance and a "ta da!"

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