
Gupton Family Christmas (celebration #1)

The weekend before Christmas we typically get together with Kevin's family for our annual holiday gathering. Keeping with the tradition this past Saturday, we loaded up the car and drove down to Floresville for a weekend of Christmas splendor.

After feasting for most of the afternoon, we finally got around to opening presents Saturday evening. Perhaps we waited too long, or August was just overwhelmed with the multitude of packages with his name on them, but whatever the reason, August just wasn't really in the mood to open gifts. After somewhat patiently waiting for the gifts to be passed around, he decided enough was enough and he would much rather go snack on some crackers ("cackos") in the kitchen with Uncle Craig. He would occasionally re-enter the room long enough to play with some wrapping paper or ribbon, and then sneak back to a dark bedroom to jump on the bed. So after most everyone had their turn, we decided it was time to open up his gifts for him. He seemed moderately interested, but did let out an audible squeal when he laid eyes on his big, green recycling truck. After most of the commotion subsided, and the mounds of paper picked up, he snuggled up into his KayKay's chair so that they could read some of his new books.

After a restful nights sleep, we awoke early on Sunday ready to play! A good portion of the day was spent playing outside with cousins Catherine and Renee, with only a few breaks inside for meals and a nap. 

Right before the sun started to set, Kevin thought it would be fun for all of us to check out one of the local city parks. Leaving the grandparents and great-grandparents to nap, we loaded up and caravanned to the other side of town for some serious playing. There was your typical playground mayhem, followed by large scale log climbing, capped off with some baseball field trespassing for a game of base-frisbee, or something like that...

We had a wonderful weekend filled with family and playing, but when Monday came around it was time for everyone to get back to business. So we took our time cramming all of this years spoils into the car, and ran into town to say one last goodbye to Augie's KayKay at her work. After a big round of hugs, and a brief lesson in Zoology, it was time to get back in the car and head home. But not without stopping at the local greasy spoon for some nourishment of course.

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