
The Day After

The day after Christmas, all 13 of us got together again for the third day in a row (definitely a Langford family record!). This time we ventured out to my dad's photography studio for a photo shoot. It was primarily a shoot of the munchkins, though the rest of us couldn't help but jump in front of the camera for some fun. You definitely can't be born, or marry, into this family without being naturally comfortable in front of a camera. It's obviously in the genes as even baby Milo cooperated quite well during his first shoot! 

The inspiration for the shoot was based on this pinterest find that my sister and I came across a few months ago. Like the original photo, my mom and I made all of the littles a shirt according to their age ( 10, 5, 4, 1, and 2/73rds). But we also decided that a hint of everyones personality should be on display a bit too. It definitely made for a fun and rowdy time, and we managed a hundred or so cute shots. Too bad you're going to have to wait to see the final group shot! 

I was on standby to catch my capricous toddler

Augie in his element

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