
Preschool Here We Come!

We survived our first venture into the world of preschool registration, and thankfully it wasn't too painful. Several months ago I decided I would start looking into parochial preschools for August to attend. I found that most begin enrollment at 2 years, with a few allowing younger kids. And that almost all of them hold registration for their September enrollment, in late winter.  After doing our research and acquiring all of the proper forms, we settled on a local church just about a mile from our house that is both reasonably priced, and will allow August to attend two days a week. 

Not knowing what to expect in our first go-round, we were a bit nervous about missing the boat all together. So, this past Monday morning we woke up early, and formed a game plan that I would drive up to the school with all of the appropriate paperwork, my trusty mug of coffee, and all the patience in the world, and just do a drive-by to check out the situation if need be. Surprisingly upon my arrival at 9:00 (1 hour early), I was the 7th in line, and only the second for August's age group. Fearing the same crowds, and having personal experience of rejections and wait lists, one dad arrived at 4:15 am, and a handful of women at 7.  I definitely considering going earlier, but I'm so happy with the way it all turned out, as by the time 10:00 came, they were beginning to take names to be placed on the wait list for all of the age groups.  

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