
The Fascinating World of the Bento

A couple of years ago, I was introduced to the concept of the bento box. For those in the dark, it is essentially just the Japanese form of the lunchbox. It's a simple outer case, with a series of smaller bins that are then filled with fresh foods, and then arranged to fit into the main case. They come in various shapes and sizes to fit the needs of the individual lunchee. (You can visit this website for more in-depth information) 

Well fast forward to a few months ago, my daily blog reading led me to the blog of a woman who packs her two young sons' lunches in bento boxes everyday, simply takes a photo, and then posts it on her blog. Not only is her creativity for packing utterly impressive, but the combination of healthy foods she sends with her boys is downright inspiring. Since August has begun eating more and more table foods, we have frequented her blog for ideas on wholesome foods that are suitable for our toddler. Coincidentally, she has a two year old named August who also happens to go by Augie. Meant to be? I think so. :)

So with Kevin on the bandwagon as well, I jumped at the chance to buy him the Laptop Lunch bento when I came across it at a discounted price. While we have a very long way to go before we are to the caliber of the Bento Mom (our nickname for her), we're definitely looking forward to the fun challenge of honing our skills before it's time to send August to school with a lunch.

(Our first foray above consisted of: a smoked gouda turkey burger with a bun, spicy mayonnaise, sweet bell peppers, strawberries, and water crackers. He said it was delicious.)

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