
Week 28

There have been a couple of new developmental changes in our house this week. First of all, the inch-worming has turned into some serious puppy dog rocking, and lunging. August can definitely make it around a bit quicker than he could last week. We seriously need to babyproof STAT! Another change is that he is now eating out of a big boy highchair. We have been feeding him out of his bouncer, so that he could be nice and reclined. However he gets quite happy when he eats now, and can't stop kicking his leg, therefor the bouncer starts going crazy and the spoon is more likely to miss that little target. So far he seems quite proud to eat like a big person, as for his furry sisters, they're a bit disappointed with our newest baby contraption. And in less significant news, the second half of the week was mainly occupied by avoiding the heat, and trying to kick this stubborn little cold that seems to have made it's rounds throughout our family yet again.

quality iphone time

seriously reliable

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