
6 month report

August had his 6 month well baby visit with Dr. C this past week. He weighed in at 18lbs 14oz, and was 27.25" long. That puts him in the 75th% across the boards. We weren't really surprised by his new stats, just so amazed at how far he's come since his 5th% days just 6 short months ago.

Other than being your typical healthy, very bouncy, baby boy, there are a few new milestones to note. He definitely has his 2 bottom teeth in, and one of his top ones is starting to poke through oh-so-faintly. He's also sitting up more and more often. He has yet to go into the sitting position on his own, but if you put him there, he will chill out for quite a few minutes before gradually sinking lower and lower until he's practically chewing on his big toe. He's also started squeeling and squacking quite loudly when he's excited or maybe just bored. All in all, we still feel incredibly blessed for the fabulous 6 months we have had with our little Augie Knox, and can't wait to see the fun that lies ahead!

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