
Three Years

Hard to believe that our sweet Augie Knox is three today! The past few years have most definitely been the best of my life. I knew that a baby would change our lives, but I had no idea how much this little guy would steal our hearts and take over our world. While we're definitely entering into a challenging stage of development, it is still such a joy to witness this little life blossom before our eyes. When he's not testing the outer most reaches of our limits, he's so full of giggles and love. Countless times a day we are bombarded with bear hugs and kisses, snuggles, the thoughtful question "are you happy, mommy?", and his favorite phrase..."best ever". He's developed quite a funny little sense of humor and imagination, and at times seems quite clever and sarcastic beyond his age. Our most recent favorite is when he doesn't want to do something, he ALWAYS answers, "maybe later, after nap time", no matter what time of day it is.  We are so blessed to have him in our lives, not a day goes by that I don't count our biggest blessing.

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!

And a flashback of his last two birthdays, for giggles:
Two Years!

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