
Halloween, Part Two

Halloween evening was every bit of fun as we hoped it would be. We started the evening at our sweet friend Ella's second annual halloween playdate/party. As with last year, it was a great time of playing for the toddlers and socializing for the parents. When the sun started to set, we hit the streets for a little bit of trick or treating in mass. We soon realized that our napless butterfly was fading fast, so we sugared him up and headed home to fit in some trick or treating in our own neighborhood. Thankfully after just a couple of houses, he found a second wind, and joined the crazy masked hoards traveling from house to house. We wrapped up our fun around 8 when some of the porch lights began shutting off, and the bigger party goers came out to play. We were definitely one tired bunch by the time we pulled the stroller up to the door. But by the size of the corn-syruped loot in Augie's basket, it was not too shabby of a night at all. 

great haul for a sugar-deprived two year old!

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