

We enjoyed a nice, relaxing weekend at home for Mother's day. We're not big on celebrating holidays around here. Usually we designate the day with an * to denote that it's slightly more special than the average, but not a full fledged religious holiday or anything.
In honor of the occasion, or just because it was another gorgeous weekend here in the ATX, we spent our time with waffles on the balcony, some pillow filled-snuggles, movies in bed, and lots of backyard construction. My super handy husband and his little helper worked hard to construct a new play contraption in our back yard...well until the allure of dancing and bubbles pulled the adorable assistant away. Phase one is almost complete, I can't wait to see the final product.
And on Sunday we marked the day with more bubbles and construction, donuts with sprinkles, and a wonderful visit to a new church. All in all it was a splendid weekend, and I count myself doubly blessed to have two amazing guys that help to make me one happy mommy.

Augie 'made' this at school

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