
Month 14 (Mixed-Bag)

This was another big month in the transition from baby to toddlerhood. Again we saw a burst of personality explode as our little man begins to observe more of his surroundings and attempts to communicate his findings with us. One of the biggest traits he has mastered is that of the tantrum. This kid has found his voice and knows how to shout it when he doesn't think he's being heard loud and clear. He's also quite fond of throwing the weight of his upper body back without any notice. My poor nose can attest to the massive force of his head when it comes flying at you at what seems like 90 mph. Thankfully however, the 'cute' side of August has developed just as much as the naughty side. He loves to laugh and to try to make you laugh. Often times he will just be staring at you with a grin from ear to ear waiting for you to catch a glimpse so that you can share a belly laugh with him. He still loves to play on the couch and thrash around on it's fluffy cushions whether man or dog is occupying the space or not. Speaking of dogs, he will not leave Lilly alone. Anytime she is upstairs, you can guarantee he will be trying his hardest to literally roll around on her, hug her, poke her eye, or run over her with his push wagon. We have to remind him to be 'gentle', at which point he will tone down his suffocating love, and just start petting and hugging her. As for walking, he still hasn't 'taken off' yet as he's convinced it's not nearly as fast as crawling, but he has been seen walking to and from various objects without any coercing.  We're convinced he will just start running any day now.

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