
Week 38

We had a nice quick visit from our good friends, the Sprad's, on Sunday morning. They decided to drop by for some coffee and socializing after their morning run around the lake. We were finally able to give them the vintage paint by number painting we found for their house/lodge-warming a couple of months ago! The rest of the week was yet another busy work one for us, with the exception of one nice afternoon visit from my good friend Cynthia. Kevin had out of town visitors at work, so we weren't able to spend much down time with him, and I was asked to travel down to San Antonio on Friday for some more training of some sort. That meant that August and the girls spent their first full day with our fabulous sitter, and apparently weren't remotely phased by it. I however missed my three snugglies quite a bit.
The majority of the week, August of course kept himself occupied exploring various parts of the second floor. For some reason not known to us, he high-tails it to the pantry/laundry closet anytime he sees the doors open. He's never spent much time in there as it doesn't seem to be the safest place in the house for wandering hands, so perhaps the mystery is what keeps him coming back. The dogs always leap through the kitchen as they know that closet is the source of all crunchy and peanut buttery goodness that occasionally is rewarded to them. So maybe it is just further proof that we need to find some friends for our little man before he grows up thinking he's a dog. Regardless, that baby has high charged crawling powers when he's on a mission! 

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