
Week 37

This week was work/life as usual for the adults in our household, but for August it was a week stock full of exploration. With his new found crawl and mad pulling up skills, each day brings new discovery for our little man. He has declared the barstools as his jungle gym and spends his entire day chewing, climbing, and weaving his way through the legs. He's infatuated with testing the stability of the baby gate that covers the overlook downstairs. He thinks the dog food bowls and Kevin's house plants are his personal digging pits, and the dog water is his own wading pool. On top of the major dangerous finds of the week, he also spends a large portion of his day loudly double-checking the latches that his daddy installed in all of the cabinet doors and drawers. Finally, when he's tired of checking out new things to get into, he heads back to pulling the furry and loveable tails of his four-legged sisters. As scary as these new skills are, it's pretty fun to see how quickly he is gaining his independence and waking up to the world around him.


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